Singing and Supper

Singing and Supper

Singing and Supper was Community Choir at Alfrick's informal concert on the evening of Saturday 12th May 2018 at Alfrick Village Hall. The performance was dedicated to the memory of Michael Hood, a founder member of the choir, who died a year ago.

The music, in a variety of styles, from the Community Choir, with Claire Jaggers, soprano, Louise Ruane, alto, Jeremy Morfey, tenor, Arthur Bancroft, violin, Ian Armstrong, percussion and Lucas Ball, piano, was followed by a delicious two course buffet supper prepared by professional caterer Sue Hunter and her staff. Geoffrey Brewin provided wine, Richard Steele ran the bar, and a raffle was held, with a series of generous prizes kindly donated by Alfrick and Lulsley Community Shop, The Fold, Holloways, The Hop Shed Brewery (formerly Unity Brew House), Knightwick Butchers, Suckley PCC and The Talbot Hotel, Knightwick.

The music included another performance of Lynn Norris's The Ballad of Molly and Ewan, which she wrote for us last year, plus the first performance of Lynn's latest piece - a musical story called After Dunkirk - the story of my father and his violin, which included spoken parts for many choir members, including an all-important narrator, taken by Alan Matthews, following his recent success in the title role of J B Priestley's An Inspector Calls for Alfrick Players in Alfrick Village Hall. The evening's surprise discovery was that Arthur Bancroft and Ian Armstrong knew and played music with Lynn's father Ken Proctor, who used to rehair Arthur's violin bows. They also knew Ken's brother Ewan, featured in both of Lynn's pieces.

The ladies in the choir celebrated the 100th anniversary of women getting the vote, with a couple of suffragette songs, in costume, including a new one with words by June Seymour and music by Keith Bramich. It was a super evening, very well attended, with a marvellous atmosphere, an attractive variety of music, super food and delightful table decorations.




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