Carol Marathon at Leigh

Carol Marathon at Leigh

Leigh Church again hosted a Carol Marathon this year, on Friday 15 December 2017, organised by churchwardens Alan Soper and Jean Colley. The event (previously known as '50 Carols') ran from about 2.30pm until 8.30pm, but, rather than being one great big long concert, it was relaxed and fun, with regular breaks for tea, cakes, nibbles, wine and other refreshments. Harvey Vivian and Robert Milan played piano and organ for the event. The rough themes for the day were Children at Christmas, Trees at Christmas - Leigh Church was full of trees, Round the World at Christmas and finally Home at Christmas.

Children from Leigh and Bransford School and the nursery school began the day, and various local choirs (including Leigh Church Choir) and other groups appeared at various times throughout the rest of the day. Most of the carols were well-known, but there were also some rarities and solos, including those sung by Nathaniel Newitt, Jeremy Morfey and Alan Soper. Community Choir at Alfrick had a spot at 6pm, singing four carols, with a good turnout, and many Community Choir members stayed until the end of the evening, supporting the general singing sessions.

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